Saturday, September 20, 2008

Adrift assissi (sorry Stephanie)

Adrift assissi (sorry Stephanie)

So, we had a site visit today to the mountain towns of Assissi and Gubbio. About two hours from Florence. It rained the entire day and low clouds blocked the usually gorgeous view of the surrounding landscape. I still had a really good time in spite of the weather and in spite of the fact that my arch history professor was giving our tour and has the most boring things to say about everything. I’m not the best listener in the world, but his talks are exceptionally boring. You can’t pay attention to him for more than five minutes without your attention wandering to literally anything else you can find: pretty buildings, the landscape, pigeons, garbage, the back of your hand, really most things.

Last night we celebrated, my buddy Luke’s birthday and had to wake up at 6:30 to get an early start to Assissi. Not a good combination. I discovered a new drink that I had never seen before. They call it dessert wine. It looks like it should be sweet, but it is, in fact, much stronger than normal wine. I found free samples of it at this market near my house and after a free Dixie cup of champagne and two free cups of dessert wine, I was set! But then I had to go have some beers with Luke on his special day. I caught the last bus from the Duomo and got home at around 1:20. It was pretty sweet.

We had our first soccer practice of the season yesterday. About 20 seconds into the came, I took a shot squarely into the testicles and had to sit for about five minutes to ensure that both the boys were still with me. I also hurt my wrist blocking a ball from point blank range. We play on smaller fields made from Astroturf. The whole field is maybe 30 yards. Needless to say, goalkeeper, or portiere, is a lot less fun to play when you’re getting shot on from three feet away and the goal is about half the size of a normal goal. There’s a lot less room for the ball to get by, therefore people kick the ball harder and from closer. It hurts, and I find that I am now afraid of the ball. That’s great. There were also two girls playing with us who were really good at soccer. That’s hot. Athlete girls are hot. I love a girl that can kick my ass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They call it dessert wine. It looks like it should be sweet, but it is, in fact, much stronger than normal wine.

You now have a new bonding point with Uncle Greg.

I love a girl that can kick my ass.

Wow, way TMI.

AB (RBS) and UG (GAS)