Thursday, September 4, 2008

Secondo giorno!

Wednesday, 09/03/08

Well, it’s day 2, I guess. Or should I say, secondo giorno! Ha! I’m actually learning a relatively respectable amount of Italian and we still haven’t met any real Italians. The other students are quite helpful. It’s our second night here and everyone is out getting trashed again. I found a little group of people who are actually real and don’t need to go out and get trashed all the time. I found another theatre major and a theatre minor! I’ve become really good friends with the theatre major. She’s a Syracuse student and from Connecticut. We sit in the lobby of the hotel right now drinking a little wine and filling out registration forms. She and I wandered back from the Syracuse University center to the hotel (1/2 the way across the city) and were able to get a relatively decent feel for the way things run around here. It’s time to go to sleep, so I’ll make this brief. Main thoughts of the trip thus far: Florence is unbelievably gorgeous, everyone here is really dumb (which incidentally makes finding real friends here a lot easier) and my main goal of the trip is not to get run over by any of a combination of the following: buses, cars, bicycles, vespas or large dogs. All of them are here in great abundance and all move very quickly.

Bonne notte di Firenze!

(I have no idea how to spell that, but I think it means ‘good night from Florence!’)


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