Saturday, September 20, 2008

Italian food is tasty (this should come before the assissi posting, sorry...)


Some fun things happened to me today. First off, Giovanna made a ridiculously tasty dinner tonight. Some kind of long, thick pasta with a tunnel down the middle a sicilia: with hard boiled egg slices, melted gorgonzola cheese, and an eggplant, tomato and olive sauce. It was the most delicious thing ever. I’m going to try to make it when I get back to the states. For secondi (main course), we had baked mozzarella cheese with tomatoes. After salad, we had apple cake she made herself.

It was the tastiest thing ever, even better than the pasta. How does she keep making the best food I’ve ever eaten? Ridiculous.

Today in Italian class, we did presentations on the streets we live on in Italy. I did an elaborate presentation with powerpoint and spent about two hours looking up exotic words to spice up the presentation. It turns out that after two weeks of studying Italian, I don’t know sentence structure well enough for that to actually work. It just came out like jumbled word mush and my teacher spent the whole time correcting all my mistakes. Which was many. But after that, the other boy in my class (there are two of us) did a presentation pronounced very poorly and admitted to using to create his presentation. It made me look a lot better, so I guess that’s cool.

I briefly fell in love with a girl yesterday only to find out today that she has a boyfriend. Damn. Everyone already has a boyfriend.

Our Comedy class took a trip to see an ancient theatre ruins just outside of town in another tiny town called Fiesole. It’s an unbelievably gorgeous little town that overlooks Florence on one side and the rolling hills of the rest of Tuscany on the other. We’re shooting for a Sunday picnic there if weather will permit it. Our teacher continues to make a buffoon of himself at every possible opportunity. He tells us we have guest performers to entertain us at the ancient theatre. He then runs behind a rock wall and comes back out with a middle-aged woman’s mask and starts doing an over-the top impression that befuddles both our class as well as the handful of elderly French-speaking tourists who stop to stare at him. He then runs off and returns with an old man mask and continues his “witty banter?” as the members of the class, myself included, try to hide our faces in shame and pretend like we don’t know him. It was an adventure.

Things are really starting to settle in here. I am content.



Anonymous said...

Ooh! I forgot! You really need to read "A Room With A View" while you're in Florence. Because the first half of the book is set there, and at one point, the characters have a picnic in Fiesole.

BTW, are you seeing ANY of these posts? Are you getting email notifications when someone comments, and you're just not replying, or do you not know when someone has commented? Or do you just not CARE????!?!?!?!?


Queen of the Whine

misterobuffo said...

I see and hear everything and respond when I feel responses are warranted. Please excuse my dearth of responses, I will respond more.